Peer-Reviewed Publications
On the Limits of Chronological Age, with David E. Bloom and Andrew J. Scott,
Annual Review of Economics, forthcomingHealth and Economic Growth: Reconciling the Micro and Macro Evidence,
with David E. Bloom, David Canning, Klaus Prettner, and Johannes Schünemann,
World Development, 178, 106575, 2024. (WP, Replication)A Comparative Perspective on Long-Term Care, with David E. Bloom,
International Social Security Review, 75(3-4), 47-69, 2022. (WP)Health Improvements Impact Income Inequality,
Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 22, 100385, 2022. (WP, Replication)Health Dynamics Shape Life-Cycle Incomes,
Journal of Health Economics, 75, 102398, 2021. (Replication)Income Shocks, Inequality, and Democratization, with Uwe Sunde,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 123(1), 295-326, 2021. (Replication)The Demographic Dividend Is More than an Education Dividend, with Patricio Suarez Urtaza and Uwe Sunde,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(42), 25982-25984, 2020. (Replication)Can Education Compensate the Effect of Population Ageing on Macroeconomic Performance?, with Uwe Sunde,
Economic Policy, 33(96), 587-634, 2018. (Replication)Democracy, Inequality, and Institutional Quality, with Uwe Sunde,
European Economic Review, 91(1), 209-228, 2017. (Replication)
Working Papers
Preference Gaps between Men and Women Decline across Cohorts, with Uwe Sunde,
mimeo, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, MA: Boston, 2024.
Revise & Resubmit: Nature CommunicationsHave Preferences Become More Similar Worldwide?, with Uwe Sunde,
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18561, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 2023. (WP)Population Dynamics and Economic Growth: From Demographic Dividend to Demographic Drag?, with David E. Bloom,
NBER Working Paper No. 31585, National Bureau of Economic Research, MA: Cambridge, 2023. (WP, Video Summary)Does Demography Determine Democratic Attitudes?, with Uwe Sunde,
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 17624, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 2022.
Select Work in Progress
The Role of Functional Capacity for Productive Market and Non-Market Activities, 2024.
Long-Term Care in China: Bridging the Gap between Capacity and Need, with David E. Bloom and Yuchen Liu, 2024.
Longevity, Education, and Labor Supply, 2024.
Publications for a Wider Audience
Why Population Ageing Demands Looking beyond Chronological Age, with David E. Bloom and Andrew J. Scott,
published online on VoxEU, December 2024.Redefining Aging, with David E. Bloom,
published online on IZA World of Labor, December 2023.Economic Growth Prospects in the Face of Population Ageing, with David E. Bloom,
published online on VoxEU, October 2023.Health and Economic Growth: Reconciling the Micro and Macro Evidence,
with David E. Bloom, David Canning, Klaus Prettner, and Johannes Schünemann,
published online on VoxEU, September 2022.Reckoning for the Growing Demand for Long-Term Care, with David E. Bloom,
published online on VoxEU, May 2022.Längeres Leben, Höhere Ungleichheit?
published online on Ökonomenstimme, May 2022, in German.Investment in Education Can Counter the Economic Impact of an Older Population, with Uwe Sunde,
published online on LSE Business Review, May 2018.